Khamis, 6 Oktober 2011

Dinner 2008....imbas kenangan nostalgia..

Theme for our Dinner that year : "Night of Legend"
 Me and my sporting frenz... with their costume...
 cayalah..... sanggup bersusah  payah for our company dinner....... very supportive....
Tini with her outfit .... simple tapi catchy... i love it...
One Nation Emcee - antara artis yang dijemput untuk membuat persembahan pada malam itu.... Terbaek....Mantap,,, energetic....outstanding-lah
The best performance ever by One Nation Emcee.... you guys 'The Best'

 My officemate.....yang maintain cun.....
 Kak Lin looks gorgeous with her red lipstick....
 All the legendary character

Cleopatra with her Firaun King

 Me wearing simple dress .. x nak pening kepala nak pakai apa...bukan x sporting tapi don't know what to wear...hehehehehhee
 Me n my beloved Hubby....baru kawin nie....heheheheee  :).... masih lagi mood Honeymoon.......

wajah-wajah ibu ceria bertemakan "hitam putih kehidupan...."

 Jeng-jeng..........kebetulan lak hari pakai tudung sama ngan kak Diani ...sehati sejiwa lah katakan (pregnant lady lah) instinct sama lah kak.......
hehehehehe..wajah ku tembam al maklumlah ibu mengandung ... pipi membulat mcam buah nangka.....
kak Daini coming soon when your pregnancy become 6 month like me okey.....hehehehe... kak lin tetap maintain keayuan wajahnya.. yang dah permanent tu (bukan pregnant okey)....jgn marah haaaaaa

Selasa, 4 Oktober 2011

Our Happy Day......

Our precious memory with our GM and Manager Corporate Planning ... Pn Anis Rizana n En.Shahril..

We all miss you guys....

Wish all the best.....